from the pastor…Fr. Kloton

Contacting Fr. Kloton

If you wish to contact Father Kloton by email, you may do so at

Mandatory Baptismal Preparation Class

Mandatory Baptismal Preparation Class will be at 6:00 PM on Thursday, April 25, at Good Shepherd Church in the St.Joseph’s Room. Register by calling the Immaculate Conception Parish Office at (570) 636-3035 or the Good Shepherd Parish Office at (570) 788- 3141. Please plan to attend the Baptismal Preparation class well in advance of your baby’s birth so that you are aware of all the information necessary to schedule your baby’s Baptism.

Let’s Ride the Rails and Sail the Seven Seas

Later this year we will be running two parish trips: One to the Grand Canyon which will include 3 days via train. The other is a seven-day cruise to the Caribbean.

Father Mike and Friends Travel with Boscov’s

For more information, about the Cruise to Florida and the Bahamas or the Great Trains and the Grand Canyon trips, contact Ruth at Bosch's in Scranton at (570) 342-7860.

For more information, go to the “Downloads” page of our website.

Do You Need to Chat?

I was once told by my Spiritual Director: “Michael, no matter how good you are or how bad you are, you will undoubtedly get unsigned letters. Look for the signature and if there is none, throw it out without reading it.” My door is always open.

~ Father Mike (see, I signed MY name!)

Homebound and Nursing Home Requests

If you have a loved one who is in a nursing home or senior living community, please let the parish offices know. Often times people just assume we know about their loved one’s placement, when, in fact, we did not. Please just give us a call and let us know.

Also, if your loved one would like a visit from Father Kanjirakattu, please call the parish offices at (570) 636-3035 (Immaculate Conception) or (570) 788-3141 (Good Shepherd).

Sacramental Preparation

  • Baptisms: Parents are expected to be registered parishioners who attend weekly Mass. Please call the parish office 570-636-3035 to arrange for the Baptism and pre-Baptismal Class. Classes are scheduled quarterly.
  • Marriage: Diocesan Policy states that those considering reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony must meet with the Pastor at least 6 months before a desired wedding date. No date should be set before meeting with the Pastor. Pre-Cana Instructions are required. Please call the Parish Office for more information.
  • Anointing of the Sick/Hospital Calls: Please notify the Parish Office of those who are sick or hospitalized. A priest will administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick when needed.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA now OCIA)

Do you want to become Catholic or know someone else who does? Are you a Baptized Catholic who still need the sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation or know someone else who does? Do you want to grow deeper and enrich your knowledge of Catholic faith? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the OCIA program is for you! This program is being offered jointly between Good Shepherd, Immaculate Conception, and Saint Patrick’s Parishes. All Adults who have been baptized or not baptized are welcome! Please contact the parish office for any questions and to register for new classes that are forming and will begin shortly by calling the parish office at (570) 788-3141 (Good Shepherd), (570) 636-3035 (Immaculate Conception) or (570) 433-9777 (Saint Patrick’s).

Parents/Guardians – First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation

Please be aware the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation require your children to attend 2 years of Faith Formation. If they have not attended the required 2 years, they will be moved appropriately to fulfill the requirement.

Sacraments for the Homebound

Any homebound parishioner who would like to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist can schedule a visit from Father Rawel by calling the parish office at (570) 636-3035 Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to noon.

Join Our Altar Server Ministry!

The Altar Server ministry is for both children and adults (we make no distinction in ministry). To be an altar server, you must have received First Communion. All members of our parish who meet this requirement are invited to serve the eternal High Priest by joining our Altar Server ministry.

To learn more about the Altar Server Ministry and to download the Altar Server Sign Up and Permission Slip Form, go to the “Downloads” page of our website.

Diocese of Scranton Notice Regarding Reporting Sexual Abuse of a Minor

It is the policy of the Diocese of Scranton to report any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor to law enforcement. If you are a victim of sexual abuse committed by a priest, deacon, religious or lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton, you are encouraged to immediately report the matter to law enforcement. If any priest, deacon, religious, lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton has cause or reason to suspect that a minor has been subjected to any form of abuse, including child sexual abuse, the matter will be reported to law enforcement.

It is also the policy of the Diocese to adhere to all civil and state regulations. In accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Laws, reports of suspected child abuse should also be made immediately by phone to the 24-HourChild Abuse hotline (ChildLine) at 1-800-932-0313 or electronically at . To this end, the Diocese is equally committed to adhering to the norms of the Code of Canon Law and to upholding the tenets of the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, which includes supporting victims of sexual abuse in their pursuit of emotional and spiritual well-being. As such, information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor should also be reported to the Victim Assistance Coordinator Mary Beth Pacuska at (570) 862-7551.

Aviso al Respecto de Reportar el Abuso Sexual de Un Menor de Edad Es la norma de la Diócesis de Scranton reportar cualquier alegación de abuso sexual de un menor de edad a las autoridades. Si usted es una víctima de abuso sexual cometido por un sacerdote, diácono, religioso o empleado laico, o voluntario de la Diócesis de Scranton, usted está obligado a reportar el asunto inmediatamente a las autoridades de la ley. Si algún sacerdote, diácono, religioso, empleado laico o voluntario de la Diócesis de Scranton tiene sospecha de que un menor de edad ha sido sujeto a cualquier forma de abuso, incluyendo abuso sexual de menor de edad, el asunto será reportado a las autoridades de la ley. Es la norma de la Diócesis defender todas las regulaciones civiles y del estado. Al fi n de que la Diócesis esté comprometida igualmente a defender las normas del Código de Derecho Canónico y defender los principios de la Carta Para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes (Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos), lo cual incluye apoyar a las víctimas de abuso sexual en pos del bienestar emocional y espiritual. Por eso, información respecto a una alegación del asunto sexual de un menor de edad, debe ser reportada a la Coordinadora Diocesana de Asistencia para Las Víctimas, Mary Beth Pacuska, a (570-862-7551). 

Our Sexual Abuse Policy is available at the entrances to the church.

Bulletin Submission Deadline

We have a new format for the bulletin. Please submit any articles by Noon on Monday.

Do You Have a New Telephone Number?

If you have recently disconnected your landline and have a new cell phone number, please call or email the parish office to let us know.

Dear Deacon Jim

This is an established part of our bulletin. Deacon Jim will be answering your spiritual questions each week. Everything about our faith that you always wanted to know but didn’t know who to ask. Just email your questions to or drop your questions in the collection basket. Deacon Jim will then answer your questions in the bulletin. What a wonderful way to understand our faith more fully!

Read the l;atest installment of Dear Deacon Jim from the Faith Formation Students:

Deacon Jim’s answers are on the “Downloads” page of our website.

Mass Policies

Masks in church are no longer required if you have been fully vaccinated, but we strongly urge everyone to wear a mask for your own protection. Also, those who receive Holy Communion on the tongue are asked to come up at the end of the Communion line. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should not enter the church. You are also asked to sanitize your hands as you enter and leave the church.

Masses are Online

Our new camera system will allow you to watch ALL MASSES in both churches. This includes weekday, weekend, and holy days. Try one of the following links for these masses:

Parking Lot Masses are Still Ongoing

All weekend masses at Good Shepherd Church are available over your car radio. We ask that you park in the lower lot and tune your radio to FM 98.3. You will be able to listen to the Mass over your radio in the comfort of your car. For anyone unable to attend mass inside church, whether physically, socially, or for any reason, these masses are available to you. At the end of Mass, an Extraordinary Minister will come to the parking lot to distribute Holy Communion. If you bring your envelopes, those can be collected as well. All are welcome!

The Saint Challenge

THE SAINT CHALLENGE launched on All Saint’s Day, November 1, 2022. It is a year-long series of challenges based on the saint of the day. In 90 seconds you’ll learn a little fact about the saint of the day and be given a challenge inspired by that saint. It could be a corporal or spiritual work of mercy or something to improve your interior life and your relationship with God and neighbor. The Saint Challenge is free, and you can find more information and find ways to sign up at Let's be saints!

Do You Want to Know More about the Annulment Process?

In the Diocese of Scranton, the annulment process is now more “user friendly” than you might expect, and there is no longer a processing fee. Please contact your pastor or the Diocesan Tribunal Office at (570) 207-2246 to begin a conversation. It is possible to get clear answers to these questions and to renew your connection with the Church.

Parish Library

Good Shepherd Church provides a nice selection of faith-based books as well as books related to loss and grieving for use by parishioners. You may borrow a book to read at home and then return it when finished, or you may choose to sit and read in the library during open church hours which are from 7:00 AM – Noon, Monday through Friday (coinciding with office hours), and before the weekend Masses. The library is accessed through the door on the right-hand wall just before the confessional.

Planning a Wedding?

Here are three important steps that the Church requires:

  1. As soon as you are engaged, you should contact the pastor. He will go over with you the paperwork and documentation needed.
  2. Once the documentation (Baptism, Communion and Confirmation certificates) is ready, contact the parish office to set up a face-to-face appointment to fill out the marriage application.
  3. The pastor will go over with the bride and groom the regulations of the Church pertaining to the upcoming wedding.

Parish Office

All communication with the parish office will be conducted via phone, mail, or email.

Spiritual Communion

One of the hardest parts of social distancing is not being able to receive the Holy Eucharist during Mass. For those of you who are participating in the Mass on television or with Father Kloton or Father Rawel on YouTube, the following is the Prayer for Spiritual Communion. It can be said when you would normally receive the Host. We hope this gives you some small comfort until we can be together at Mass again.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You.

Prayer of Pope Francis

Pope Francis recited this prayer during a special Mass on March 11th, asking Mary to protect Italy and the world during the Coronavirus pandemic:

O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not disdain the entreaties of we who are in trial, but deliver us from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Prayer of Saint John Henry Newman

O Mother of Jesus, and my mother,
let me dwell with you, cling to you and love you with ever-increasing love.
I promise the honor, love, and trust of a child.
Give me a mother’s protection,
For I need your watchful care.


Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings
of this day
for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world, for the salvation of souls, the reparations of sins,
the reunion of all Christians, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father
this month.

~ Written in 1844 by Fr. François-Xavier Gautrelet

CTV: Catholic Television Broadcasting Daily Masses

A private Mass will be celebrated daily in the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton and made available on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton. On weekdays, the Mass will be broadcast at 12:10 PM, 3:30 PM, and 7:00 PM. On weekends, the Saturday Vigil Mass will be broadcast at 4:00 PM and rebroadcast on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. The Masses will also be streamed on the Diocese of Scranton’s website (, made available on the Diocese of Scranton’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and will be accessible on the Diocese of Scranton’s YouTube channel.

Prayer for an End to Infanticide

The U.S. Senate recently failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – legislation that prohibits infanticide by ensuring that a child born alive following an attempted abortion would receive the same degree of care to preserve his or her life and health as would be given to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Please join us in prayer for an end to infanticide:

“Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of all elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. Open hearts and minds to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life.”

Presentation of the Gifts

If the Mass is for your intention, you are more than welcome to take up the gifts. For weekday Masses, simply go to the table in the back after the Intercessory Prayer of the Faithful. For weekend Masses, just tell one of the ushers that you will bring up the gifts.

Regarding Bulletin Inserts

I ask all parish organizations and individuals to try to use the bulletin rather than an insert for most programs and events we have. Things like the calendar, the financial reports, and the festival are necessary. Other things could just be placed in the regular bulletin which is three pages most times, in relatively small type. I help those who stuff the bulletin almost every week and last week, we had four inserts in addition to the third page of the bulletin. Fortunately, we had 10 people, myself included, who worked on this tedious project, and we finished within a half hour. Sometimes, however, there are only 4 or 5 people and on occasion, 2 or 3. We have to economize in this area. Positively, I do not want more than 2 inserts in any one bulletin, and hopefully, only one. This will be on a first-come, first-served basis. We have driven up our bills for paper to a high degree. Certainly, I am grateful for all the projects initiated by parishioners, but not for the countless inserts which most people do not use.

Bulletin Sponsors

We thank recent bulletin sponsors Bonomo’s Carpet and Flooring, JMJ Catholic Radio, Dr. David Portonova, Providence Place, The Knee Center, Tunnessen Radiator Inc., Tunnessen Supply, and long-standing sponsors All Care Home Care, Catholic Match, Patricia Spivak CPA, Sugarloaf Child Care and Valley Pharmacy. The sponsorships do pay for the bulletin covers from Bon Venture which I feel are well done. More sponsors would be needed if Good Shepherd were to receive periodic rebate checks. Again, we thank sponsors new and old.

Remaining to Mass Completion

Please make it a point to stay for the entire Mass unless you have an emergency. Mass is almost always 50 minutes to an hour. Certainly, we can afford to give this time to God.

New Parishioner Coupon

We need people who attend Good Shepherd and are registered in another parish to join ours. Please consider joining Good Shepherd if you are not attached to another parish. Fill out the coupon and you will be contacted. You may also come to the office on weekday mornings to register.

New Parishioner Registration Request

Name _______________________________________

Address _____________________________________


Telephone ___________________________________

*For a printer-friendly (PDF)version, go to the “Downloads” page of our website.

What is a Parish Life Coordinator? Read This and be Informed

What is a Parish Life Coordinator? In recent months, we have heard a great deal about Parish Life Coordinators and the shortage of priests. At a meeting of the deanery with Bishop Bambera at St. John Bosco on June 29th (2015), the bishop explained the role of a Parish Coordinator. Basically, a PLC is in charge of running a parish in the absence of a pastor. The bishop stated that a PLC should have a college degree and be a generally well-educated person. A short period would be necessary for learning the role, probably several months. PLCs would, at this time, basically be appointed to city or suburban parishes that are not at a distance from other ones. A priest would be assigned as a Sacramental Minister to the parish, providing full weekend services and confessions. Another priest would serve as a Moderator helping the PLC. The sacramental priest would likely be one who currently is a chaplain, one involved in school work or a retired priest in reasonable health. The priest may or may not live close to the parish of which he is the Sacramental Minister. This is why, at present, the bishop would not appoint a sacramental priest to a parish that is at a distance from others. A PLC, at present, would not be assigned to a parish a good distance from others since a priest would not be available for emergencies. A PLC would be appointed to parishes that are in reasonable distance of other ones. Priests from other parishes could handle emergencies. This would include anointings and perhaps funerals and interments. The cost of a PLC would not exceed the cost of a pastor, and a PLC would be appointed by the bishop just as pastors are. The bishop stressed that he would not be in favor of a PLC remaining indefinitely at a parish. A parish that had a PLC for a time would ideally go back to having a regular pastor. A parish is not a “PLC parish” for life. Those accepted into the PLC program would not necessarily serve in their own parish. The PLC is not something that should alarm any of us. It is common in dioceses throughout the country. Priests will not become “circuit riders” offering Masses in multiple parishes in Bishop Bambera’s plan.

Baptism Preparation

Parents are required to attend the Baptism preparation class for their first child or if it has been three years since the birth of their last child. If you see that your child will be born shortly after a scheduled class, you may attend during your pregnancy.

Tables and Chairs

These will no longer be available for parishioners and non-parishioners alike for family reunions, graduations, etc. Over the past summer, people who have borrowed them have returned them in a lesser condition than when they were taken out. Some of the tables were even left out in the rain. While we don’t give out our better tables and chairs, we still use the ones we have given out for larger gatherings. We are sorry, but due to the lack of care for our tables and chairs by a few, they no longer will be given out. I looked at the way our equipment was returned at the request of the janitorial staff and Buildings and Grounds personnel and could clearly see how the tables, especially, suffered considerable damage.

Eulogies at Funerals

Since we have had involvement in 20 or more funerals to date, counting interments, and have had eulogies at approximately 40 to 50 percent of the Masses, now is a good time to comment on eulogies. The Church, in the past, has had a long-standing prohibition of giving eulogies at funerals. The Order of Christian Funerals states, “A brief homily based on the readings should always be given at the funeral liturgy, but never any kind of eulogy.” The homilist is to keep in mind the identity of the deceased, the circumstances of death and the grief of the family. The homilist is to preach on the saving mystery of Christ’s death. Today, the Church allows a family member or friend to speak on behalf of the deceased before the final commendation begins. The words are to be brief, highlighting an aspect of the deceased’s life of faith. If there is a desire for a lengthy eulogy or sharing of memories, this should take place at the funeral vigil and not in church. Priests have the right to read ahead of time the text and outline of any eulogy and make changes in length and content when necessary.

To Advertise in Good Shepherd Bulletin

Please call (800) 364-0684, extension 92. We are grateful for those who are already advertising.

Funeral and Wedding Costs

We will follow the Diocesan recommended fee of $300 for both funerals and weddings. Baptisms remain a free-will offering of your choice.

Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton

If you are a member of Good Shepherd Parish and are hospitalized at Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton, please list your parish as Good Shepherd. Quite a few of Good Shepherd parishioners claim as their parish one that has been closed. Some people from Good Shepherd and other parishes are not visited because their parish priests, myself included, do not think to look under closed parishes for their own parishioners, and understandably so. A way to assure that you will be visited, if you so desire, is to notify the parish office.